Facebook seems pretty easy to manage. Or is it?

We all want our customers and potential customers to engage with us on Facebook.

We want to see numbers that justify the expense of social media management. But, keep in mind that most people just look at your post on their feed and don’t engage with a like or a comment. But that does not mean that they did not see your post.

Can you not just get your niece to post for you? Yes, of course, but does she have the time to continually research the best practices that are constantly evolving? Often these change on a weekly basis. Also, if you don’t post in the way that Facebook wants you to, then you will drop down in priority and no one will see your posts. It is important to have an expert work on your page!

Just last week, I wanted to purchase some stocking stuffers from a vendor who is active in the winter markets. I went to the market that they are normally in each year. They were not there so I searched their business on Facebook. She had not posted since last November so I was posed with this question: Is she no longer in business? I decided to send her a message and got a response and was able to make my purchase. But the message of this story is once you start your Business Page, it is imperative that you keep it active. Your page is like your storefront, if the lights are not on, your customer base will assume you are not in business.

What is the purpose of having a Business Page?

It’s main purpose is to let your potential and current customers get to Know, Like and Trust you!

It is your word of mouth in the community. It is not just a sales page! People will stay engaged with you if you show them who you are.  You need to create posts so that they will like you and what you do. Most of all they want to be able to trust you. If they can Know, Like and Trust you, then you have a life-long customer!

Mint Willow will curate and create content for you that will showcase you in the best light. And, we will acknowledge all of the Facebook rules so that you meet the industry-standard requirements.

Are you ready to get started? Contact Hayley today!

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